Monday, April 25, 2011

The end of 11 weeks

So it has been a few weeks since I blogged last. The past two weeks have been busy. In these past two weeks I have lost 4lbs. I am almost under 200. I can't wait until I step on the scale and see 199!! On Saturday it was 201. So very, very close. I did my measurements and took my pictures again. I was kind of disappointed, but I have to remember there has been a change. It might not be as fast as I would like, but we are moving in the right direction.

I have started a new program to switch it up a bit. For the next 11 weeks I plan on doing Jillian Michaels Videos "Banish Fat Boost Metabolism", "No More Trouble Zones", and "30-day shred."  I will then take pictures and measurements again. I am hoping for another change. I just have to stay focused.

Here are the new pictures:
Taken 4/24/2011

New Measurements in the RED
Right Arm: 15, 15
Right Arm Flexed 15, 14.5
Left Arm: 15, 14
Left Arm Flexed: 14.5, 14
Neck: 14, 14
Rib Cage: 43, 42
Waist: 46, 42
Hips: 51, 48
Right Thigh: 28, 26
Left Thigh: 28.5, 27
Chest: 44, 42
Right Calf: 17.5, 17
Left Calf: 17, 17 

So in the past 11 weeks I have lost a total of 16 pounds and 15 inches overall. I hope to have the same results if not better in the next 11 weeks!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another 2lbs down

Well, I lost another two pounds this week. It was a hard earned 2lbs too. I decided to start counting my calories and writing what I eat down. I think that made a huge difference.  It allowed me to see what I was eating. It forced me to be more mindful.

I went in for my blood pressure check. The doctor said it was perfectly fine. So I can continue the medicine. I will do that for another month then probably take a month off. The doctor said it can be more effective if you take a break.

This is the start of week 7 of the Bob Harper program. This week and next and then I will do my measurements. I am getting curious to see if they will change. I have noticed a change in my arms. I just feel stronger. I still struggled with the Bob's Workout DVD. I did workout 1. This one mainly focuses on abs. I just don't have the strength back. I did better this time than last, but still there is a lot of work to be done.

I read online today that after having a baby give yourself 9 months to get back to your pre-pregnancy shape. And to remember that you might never be exactly to your pre-pregnancy shape. I really needed to see that. I am struggling mentally with the way my stomach looks and feels. I am seeing results on the scale, but not in the mid section. I know it takes time, but I am ready now.

Today was 86 degrees outside. My body and wardrobe are not ready for it to be this warm. I am going to have to buy some summer clothes to get me through the summer. There is no way I will be able to fit into my clothes from last year.  I am so grateful for my little man. I just wish I had a little bit longer to hide behind my sweatshirts and jeans.

Hoping to have another great week.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another week down!

I have decided that I am going to do a total of 8 weeks before I take my measurements again. I just don't feel like I would see a big difference if I measure at 6 weeks. After a crazy busy week, I managed to stay on track. My mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law came to visit for a few days. This through a kink in my workout plans. I had to workout later in the day. Even though I didn't want to, I made sure that I did it. I felt better after working out, but it was so hard to stay motivated.

I lost another pound. So I am down to 207. I have officially lost 10 pounds since I started on 2/12. I am pretty excited to meet that first milestone. I am 30 pounds down from my last doctor appointment before having Carson. I have 47 more pounds to go to be where I want to be. It seems so far away, but I know I can do it. I just have to be patient.

I go to the doctor on Monday for a blood pressure check. I have to have this done since I started the medication. I haven't been feeling good at all lately. I have been getting daily headaches and feeling nauseous. I am not sure if it is the weight loss medicine or the fact that I started the birth control. It just started so I am thinking it is the birth control or that I am not eating the right foods.

I am going to start writing down my calories. I am going to see if that helps me lose the weight. I want to make sure that I am eating enough, but not overeating. I also want to make sure I am eating the right foods. I know that eating a combination of the right foods make all the difference.

On to another week!