Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I mentioned in a previous post about our battle with infertility. I was diagnosed with PCOS. We found this out when we were trying to concieve baby #2. You can't cure PCOS, but there are things you can do to help better your chances at concieving. One big thing is too lose weight. Try and get as close as possible to a healthy weight. This was a main motivator for me the first time I lost the weight. I wanted Alex to have a sibling so bad.

When the clomid wasn't working, we decided to take a break. I needed to concentrate on something else. I was concentrating so hard and wanting another baby so bad it wasn't fun anymore. I was too focused and stressed. So I turned my attention to weight loss. Once the weight came off, we tried clomid again. Again, it didn't work. I was starting to get frustrated again. Then we had someone come speak at a MOMS Club meeting about acupuncture. I had heard before about acupuncture and infertility before. It just seemed so odd to me. So I didn't look into it.

After listening to the speaker and talking one on one. We decided to give it a try. I mean what would it hurt to go for the free consultation. So I went and thus began our journey with acupuncture. After much discussion with my husband, we decided this was the best route for us. Yes, the whole idea of having needles stuck in me and some how this was going to help me get pregnant seemed WEIRD! Financially, this was a better way to go for us. It wasn't going to be cheap, but the western medicine wasn't working. I was set up with a 9 month treatment plan. In this 9 months, we would get my body back on track and hopefully get pregnant. (TMI WARNING!!) In the first few months, I noticed a change in my periods. Not only were they coming more regular, they were mimicking a more natural period. And my ovulation charts were starting to have a definite peak. (Those of you that don't know about charts, this means I was actually showing a ovulation period.) Not only was I having changes in my period, other body aliments were getting better. My knee and heal pain were diminishing. And overall, I was feeling like I had more energy and sleeping better.

After 3 full months of acupuncture treatments, we found out I was pregnant. We didn't expect it to happen this fast, but we were THRILLED!! I continued with acupuncture throughout the entire pregnancy and afterwards to help with recovery. Let me just say, this pregnancy was a breeze. I had energy enough to workout and very little morning sickness. So little I wouldn't of even considered it at all. Even my recovery from the c-section went smoother and faster. I attribute all this to the excercise I did and going for regular acupuncutre treatments throughout the whole pregnancy.

We are considering having another child. But FIRST, I want to get the weight off and back into shape. I know this will help with the process of concieving and also having a smoother pregnancy. I plan on continuing acupuncture treatments monthly. I feel better when I go and I also want to keep my body on track. If we do all this now maybe trying for baby #3 won't be so difficult.

So if you are having problems concieving, look into acupuncture. You never know, it just might work for you!

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