Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tricks that worked for me!

As I mentioned in the first post, I did take medication to help with the weight loss. Yes, I feel like it gave me the boost that I needed, but I know it wasn't just the medication. I worked HARD! I would work out anywhere from 1 to 2 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week. I did a combination of strength training and cardio. I also watched what I ate. I would count my calories daily. If it went into my mouth it was written down.

Throughout my journey, I sat with two separate nutritionist. Both gave me some great advice to help me through it all. Currently, I am combining what they taught me along with Weight Watchers online. It is a great way for me to keep track of what I am eating. I haven't decided if I like it or not, but I am giving it a try. One key point for me, was to make sure I am eating small frequent meals to keep my metabolism burning. I am also making sure to eat more protein. I wasn't eating nearly enough.

Along with the proper eating, I am exercising. I am back to working out 5 to 6 days a week. My goal is to get a good hour in on those days. With the new baby sometimes it can be difficult, but I am making it a priority. If I don't, then I will fail them as a mother. I need to make sure I am healthy so that I can be the best mother I can. If that means my alarm is going off at 4 AM. Then that is what I have to do. I need to carve out "me" time sometime during a course of 24 hours. I know us moms have a hard time doing that. But if you give yourself that time, you will be doing the best possible thing you can for your children.

I weigh in weekly. I created an excel worksheet with the weeks across the top and weights down the side. Every week when I weigh in (usually Saturday morning), I go and color in the sheet with my current weight. The goal is to have the bars slowly stair stepping down. This sheets hangs on my fridge. That way I see it ALL the time. And if I am hungry and go to the fridge, it reminds me to ask myself am I really hungry. It is also out in the open for anyone to see when they come over. And I want that chart to be showing success.

Downstairs in my workout area, I hang monthly blank calendars. Everyday that I workout I write what I have done. When I was doing my training programs for running, this allowed me to keep track of my times. I was able to see what I had accomplished. I also used www.mapmyrun.com . There is just something about seeing all the hard work that you put in that keeps you going. I even did this throughout my pregnancy with Carson. I wasn't working out hard, but I was walking and doing a prenatal pilates video. It just shows me that I can do the workouts.

I am a HUGE fan of the show "The Biggest Loser". There is just something about watching those people work so hard and see the results that they do. Yes, I know the weight loss isn't practical for a person that is not at the ranch. I believe it was Jillian that I saw on Oprah once that said "We know it isn't possible for someone at home to work out 6 to 8 hours a day. We just ask for an hour a day." So that is what I strive for. In my basement, I have an ellipitcal, treadmill, and spin bike. Along with NUMEROUS workout DVDS. I believe I own every Biggest Loser DVD made. (Did I mention I was a HUGE fan!) So my workouts are based around any one of those DVDS or exercise machines.

I am one that usually has to have a program to follow. It just keeps me on track. When I first lost the weight, I would do Jillian Michaels "Boost your Metabolism" and "No More Trouble Zones" along with my training runs. I would alternate the videos and do whatever run I was supposed to do that day. In the beginning, I did overdo it. I ended up with chrondomalcia of the knees. Basically, it is an overuse problem. I had to back off the exercise a little bit (mainly the running) and let my body heal. Let me tell you, that was TOUGH!! I hated to stop for fear of not losing the weight.

This time around I am planning on using Bob Harpers new dvd series "Inside out Method". If you go to his website www.mytrainerbob.com you can find the DVDS. He also has a 4 week program that goes along with them. I plan on doing that program once I have all of the workouts. I currently have two of them. So for now I am just alternating the two and doing some form of cardio on one of my exercise machines. Let me tell you, those workouts are TOUGH!! You will see results if you follow those DVDS and watch your eating. I haven't decided if I want to get back into the running again. For now, I just want to focus on getting the weight off. When the time comes, I might do the running again. I always had a great feeling of satisfaction after completing a training program and a race.

I would like to get back on the medication, just for that extra boost. I am not sure if my doctor will allow it, but we will see. There is just something about having the energy to push through a 2 hour hard workout that makes me feel good. I like the feeling of sweating through my clothes and having it run down my face. I know I have worked hard.

I have just started using a kettlebell and LOVE it!! I have picked up a few dvds (again Bob Harper) and have enjoyed using them. I feel like they are giving me a great workout. They just add that bit of resistance to push you a little harder.

My husband and I have talked about joining the local YMCA. You might wonder why I would want to do that when I have all this stuff at home. And sometimes I think the same thing. However, it would be nice to go to some different classes and be around other people. The pool is an added bonus too. There is free childcare there too. So I know while I am there my boys can be watched and I can get a good workout in. (No excuses not to get it in if they are being cared for!) Maybe we will do that when Carson gets older.

So find something that works for you and stick with it. Don't be afraid to try something new. You never know you might like it!

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